This dive site is conveniently located just 5 minutes from Waisai, the capitol of Raja Ampat and the starting destination for all liveaboards. It’s a small island, just 2 kilometres to the south of the main town.
Home » Liveaboard Destinations » Raja Ampat » Dive Sites » Saonek Kecil
This dive site is conveniently located just 5 minutes from Waisai, the capitol of Raja Ampat and the starting destination for all liveaboards. It’s a small island, just 2 kilometres to the south of the main town. Due to it’s sheltered location it’s always nice and calm here. Great for both a check dive and a night dive.
Shallow and calm, it’s a great spot to check your weights and buoyancy, test out your gear especially if you are renting it on the boat, and generally just get used to being back in the water. The site still has some great coral though and a nice little local population of garden Eels ready to greet you when you get down to that sandy bottom.
Like everywhere in Raja Ampat, you can still find amazing species here. During the day search the coral for Orangutang Crabs, Scorpion Fish and lots of different varieties of Nudibranchs.
At night there is some interesting critters that call this place home when diving on the west side of the island, check around the sandy bottom and bommie areas as you can find Octopuses, Cuttlefish, Wobbegong Sharks, all sorts of shrimp and even Mandarin Fish if you are there around dusk.
We will normally dive the west side of this island as it’s the nicest and calmest spot. A positive back roll entry is our preferred method to get you in the water.
After playing around on the surface for a while to test our gear we will start our decent. The sloping reef is nice to explore while we make our decent slowly down to 18 meters to get everyone’s ears used to equalising again. At 18 meters we will hit the sandy bottom and keep the reef on our right-hand side. We keep swimming along the bottom checking out the creatures in the sand and the fringing reef till we make our way to the northern tip of the reef.
Here we will switch back on our direction and start to elevate our dive up the slope face to check out more of the reef creatures. Once we are getting towards to 1 hour mark or 50 bar of air, we will make our way up to the 5 meter elevation to have our safety stop on the shallows of the reef, and enjoy the sunlight area for our first dive in Raja Ampat.
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Topography: Mix of Wall, Sloping Reef, and Small Pinnacles.
Max Depth: 28 meters.
Typical Current: None.
Best For: Divers eager for a vibrant macro experience and thrilling encounters with pelagic species.
Snorkeller friendly.
9 Days 8 Nights
Dive in Saonek Kecil with our 9 Days 8 Nights itinerary to the South of Raja Ampat.
7 Days 6 Nights
Dive in Saonek Kecil with our 7 Days 6 Nights itinerary to the Central of Raja Ampat.
Scuba diving, Snorkeling or just leisure? We got you.
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