5 Ways To Prevent Your Dive Mask From Leaking

How to Prevent Dive Mask From Leaking - La Galigo Liveaboard

Few things are more inconvenient than a persistent dive mask leak during a scuba dive, but luckily we have some solutions. While not critical or dangerous, the constant seeping in of water, as well as having to stop and empty your dive mask on a regular basis, is truly irksome and can make a part […]

How Do You Breathe While Scuba Diving?

How do you breathe while scuba diving - La Galigo Liveaboard

Under the beautiful blue sea lies a whole new world of exploration, but in order to explore it safely, you must first understand how breathing works when scuba diving. Diving with compressed air opens up whole new worlds.   However, even experienced divers can be dangerous if they do not know how to keep themselves well-oxygenated […]

9 Things That Can Ruin Your Dive Gear

Thing that can ruin your dive gear - La Galigo Liveaboard

As a diver, it is essential to take proper care of your diving equipment to avoid any problems or complications; your dive gear is the reason you can breathe underwater and see clearly underwater. Before you buy new equipment, read about the nine things that could ruin your dive gear without you knowing it and […]

What is Decompression Diving? Purpose, Plan, The Best Deco Dive Computer

What is Decompression Diving - La Galigo Liveaboard

Decompression diving is when a diver must make one or more stops during their ascent to allow their body time to safely release the nitrogen (or other gas, such as helium) that dissolved into their tissues during the dive. Nitrogen dissolves into your body tissues as you descend through water under pressure. The deeper you […]

Buoyancy Control: The Importance, Techniques and Tips

What is Buoyancy Control - La Galigo Liveaboard

Scuba diving is a thrilling activity that allows us to explore the magnificent depths of the ocean, providing hours of entertainment and adrenaline-pumping thrills. But, beneath the glitz and glamour, there is a plethora of critical safety protocols, procedures, and techniques that must be followed at all times if we are to dive safely.  Buoyancy […]

Dive Log Books: Why do You Need a Dive Log

What is Dive Log Books - La Galigo Liveaboard

The entire diving process is an amazing adventure with an endless amount of beautiful moments and important details to remember. A simple pencil, it is said, is more reliable than the sharpest mind. It is not meant to belittle our intelligence. The problem is that humans have a tendency to forget things. Because our brain […]

9 Essential Types of Scuba Diving Gear Every Diver Should Have

When we go scuba diving, we must have certain diving equipment. These necessities keep us safe underwater and enable us to dive in the most efficient and comfortable manner possible. We can assist you if you are looking to purchase your own dive equipment or if you are a new diver wondering what equipment you […]

5 Things to Never Do After Scuba Diving

Coral Reefs - La Galigo Liveaboard

You may know what you SHOULD do as a beginner diver, but do you know what you SHOULDN’T do after diving? In reality, many experienced divers are unaware of these facts or may have just forgotten them since their certification was so long ago. A dive takes extensive planning, as well as several safety inspections. […]

What is Muck Diving? Best Muck Diving in Indonesia

What is Muck Diving - La Galigo Liveaboard

The term “muck” diving refers to the sediment found at the bottom of many dive sites coined by scuba legend Bob Halstead. This sediment may consist of sand, silt, and natural debris such as dead corals or coral rubble. Although typical muck diving locations may appear desolate and uninspiring at first glance, you should give […]